The chickadees and juncos came back today. They swept in with the snow that started at 6:30 this morning and ended by noon. The accumulation wasn’t enough to turn the ground white, but it was enough to send the birds searching for our hanging feeders. The blue jays are also back but they appeared when […]
Rural scenes from fall 2020

You will find them

You will find them in the pickup truck driving to town for implement parts. Hair pulled into a beautifully messy bun with a seed dealer cap pulled down tight. You will find them working at the ranch. Hands cracked from the weather but still with glittery fingernail polish on. Wearing a torn, grease-stained, manure covered […]
Do we have brain drain?
August is all about school days. You don’t have to have children to feel the difference in the air. Something about how the wind blows a little softer and the nights cool a little deeper that makes me think of high school days gone by. This month I celebrated my 20-year class reunion. Ironically this […]
I’m still here…

I haven’t posted on this site since April and for that I apologize. There has been lots going on with family, work, and cattle. I’m still managing to write though – every Sunday night is designated – and I hope you are too. Once fall is here it is my intent to post a few […]
A historical month for sure

In March The Cattle Business Weekly published its one-time-a-year printing of history related articles. This year’s section holds within it stories on some of the region’s greatest saddle makers, a wolf hunt in Cherry County, Neb. and a quest to learn about South Dakota’s brand books. All three are interesting reads. Speaking of interesting reads, […]
Heading into the Storm

Looking back through my phone’s photos recently and I grabbed ahold of this one. It was taken Nov. 1, 2018 and we had just brought our heifers home from summer pasture and given them their needed vet check-ups. We got done just in time to turn them back into fresh pasture and get them settled […]
Get Writing in the New Year Workshop

Give your writing resolution a boost with a 1-day writing workshop that I will be hosting on Jan. 19 at the family ranch at Nisland, S.D. This laid-back workshop is great for writers looking to stay motivated in their craft whether it be a book, family historian project or blogging. The workshop is held in […]
Sounds of the season

Everyone has different sounds that they relate to the holiday season. It could be the background noise of a college football game on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas carols on the store’s overhead system that gets you into the spirit. Maybe it’s the sounds of wrapping paper being readied to wrap that brings home the giving aspect […]
Author Talks

Boondocks Boutique in Spearfish is hosting author talks every Tuesday now thru April. I am so impressed with the store wanting to utilize their loft space in a creative way that promotes community and the arts. Looking down thru the list of authors that will be presenting it was a great reminder to me how […]